Sunday, May 9, 2010

Two Amazing Articles

I came across both of these articles today and found them both profound and insightful. Maybe it has something to do with today being Mother's Day and all but I wanted to pass them on.

The first is by Nia Vardolos, the actress and writer of My Big Fat Greek Wedding. She struggled with infertility for a long time and recently adopted a little girl with her husband from the foster care system. As I have struggled through my emotions surrounding this holiday, her words were like a salve to my soul helping me to remember that others have walked this path before me.

If You Don't Have Anything Nice To Say...

The other article is from the New York Times a couple of days ago. It was written by a birth mother who placed their child through an open adoption 10 years ago. As we continue to wait and pray for our birth mother, it was a good reminder for myself and everyone that adoption is never a simple equation. But out of the pain, beautiful relationships, real life and the chance to love fully can emerge.

Open Adoption: Not So Simple Math

Both of these articles remind me of both the heartache and joy that accompany our infertility/adoption journey, no matter what step we are on, even when we don't know how our story ends.

So with that I wish you all (all three of you who read this...) a very happy Mother's Day.

1 comment:

The Richàrd Family said...

Thank you so much for posting these, Laurel. I enjoyed reading both articles, and thought they were incredibly well written.